Dementia Care in Perth

Discover personalised dementia care services in a compassionate and supportive environment at Hellenic Aged Care.

Nestled at 2B Hellenic Drive, Dianella WA 6059  our facility stands as a beacon of exemplary dementia care amidst the serene landscapes of Perth.

Our state of the art haven not only boasts a prime location but is also revered as one of the finest dementia care establishments in Perth where the fusion of expert care and homely comfort creates a sanctuary for our residents and their families.

Our Dedicated Dementia Care Section

At Hellenic Aged Care we offer a specialised dementia care section designed to provide a secure, supportive and nurturing environment for individuals living with dementia.

Our highly trained and compassionate staff are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of each resident through personalised care and engagement.

Nurse helping senior resident in nursing home

What our Dementia Care Entails

Navigating the journey of dementia requires a blend of compassion, understanding, and a well-rounded approach to ensure life remains joyful and dignified.

At Hellenic Aged Care, our warm and devoted team is fully equipped to offer specialised dementia care, acknowledging the distinct challenges faced by individuals with dementia and their loved ones.

Here’s a closer look into the cornerstone elements of our dementia care services:

Personalised Attention:

  • Tailoring Care Plans: Every resident with dementia receives a personalised care plan, meticulously crafted to cater to their unique needs, preferences, and the progression of their condition. This encompasses individualised meal plans, engaging activity schedules and rejuvenating therapy sessions.
  • Family Involvement: We heartily encourage families to play an active role in the care planning journey, fostering a well-rounded understanding and approach to the care rendered.

Safety Measures:

  • Secure Environment: Our haven is engineered with safety at the forefront, boasting secure living spaces, clear signage and intuitive layouts to aid residents in moving around with confidence and ease.
  • Constant Supervision: Our around-the-clock supervision and swift emergency response systems are the bedrock of our commitment to the immediate safety and well-being of our residents.

Medical Support:

  • Specialised Medical Care: Residents have the privilege of access to a cadre of medical professionals who specialise in dementia care, delivering regular assessments, medical treatments and therapeutic interventions as the need arises.
  • Medication Management: Our adept staff are on hand to assist with medication management, ensuring residents receive their prescribed medications accurately and punctually.


  • Cognitive Stimulation: We unfurl a tapestry of engaging activities designed to spark cognitive stimulation, encompassing memory exercises, music therapy and art sessions.
  • Social Interaction: Nurturing social bonds is a linchpin of our care philosophy. We orchestrate group activities, social events and family visitation opportunities to cultivate a sense of community and enrich social engagement.

Physical Wellness:

  • Exercise Programmes: Regular physical activity is championed through tailored exercise programmes aimed at sustaining mobility, flexibility and overall physical wellness.
  • Nutrition: We are steadfast in providing nutritious, balanced meals to bolster the overall health and well-being of our residents.

Emotional and Psychological Support:

  • Counselling: We tender counselling services for both residents and their families to navigate the emotional rapids associated with dementia.
  • Behavioural Management: Our skilled staff are adept at managing behavioural symptoms of dementia, crafting a serene and supportive milieu.
Nurse helping elderly woman with dementia to build blocks

Understanding Dementia

Dementia is a progressive condition marked by a decline in cognitive function affecting memory, thinking, orientation and comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgement.

It’s a challenging journey not just for the individuals affected but also for their families. At Hellenic Aged Care we are committed to providing the understanding, expertise and support needed to ensure a high quality of life for our residents living with dementia.


Frequently Asked Questions

What types of dementia do you provide care for?

We provide care for individuals with various types of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular dementia and others.

How do you tailor the care plans for individuals with dementia?

Our care plans are developed in close consultation with the individual, their family and our medical team to ensure a personalised approach.

What safety measures are in place for residents with dementia?

Our facility is designed with safety in mind featuring secure living spaces, constant supervision and emergency response systems.

How do you ensure the medical needs of dementia residents are met?

We have a team of medical professionals who provide regular assessments and treatments as needed ensuring the highest level of medical care.

How do you support the families of residents with dementia?

We offer family counselling educational sessions on dementia and regular updates on the well being and progress of their loved one.

Can families be involved in the care planning process?

Absolutely we encourage families to be actively involved in the care planning process to ensure the best possible care for their loved ones.

Call to Action:


For more detailed information or to discuss the specific needs of your loved one contact us or schedule a tour of our dementia care facility.


Key Takeaways



Professional and knowledgeable staff providing expert care

Personalised Attention

Tailored care plans to meet individual needs and preferences


A secure and comfortable environment designed for the well-being of residents

Medical Support

Access to specialised medical care and therapies


Stimulating activities promoting cognitive and social interaction

Family Involvement

Encouraging family participation in care planning and activities

Comprehensive Care

A holistic approach to care encompassing physical, emotional, and social needs

Quality of Life

Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for each resident

Contact Us

Book a Tour Today!

Our friendly staff would be glad to take you through the facility. We are proud of our establishment and know that you will find what you're looking for because we truly care for each person that stays with us. 

Call  08 9303 3877 to schedule


2B Hellenic Dr, Dianella

WA 6059

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