Hellenic Aged Care

 Embracing All Cultures in Our Community Aged Care Journey

Welcome to Hellenic Aged Care for Community Aged care in Perth

At Hellenic Aged Care our doors are open to everyone irrespective of their cultural or ethnic background. Our foundation is built on the principles of inclusivity, respect and understanding. We believe that every individual regardless of their heritage deserves the best care in their golden years.

Our mission goes beyond just providing aged care it’s about creating a community.

A community where every resident feels valued, heard and cherished.

We understand the importance of preserving the dignity of our residents and our tailored community aged care services reflect this understanding. Each care plan is meticulously crafted keeping in mind the unique needs, preferences and backgrounds of our residents.


Furthermore we recognise the profound impact of a sense of belonging on the well being of our residents.

At Hellenic Aged Care we strive to foster an environment where residents can form meaningful connections, celebrate their diverse cultures and share their rich life experiences with one another.


Join us on this journey of compassionate care, mutual respect and community building. Welcome to Hellenic Aged Care where every individual finds a home


“Let hospitality be shown to one another without grudging. As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” – Saint Peter the Apostle (1 Peter 4:9-10)

Why Hellenic Aged Care Stands Out for Community Aged Care

  • Inclusive and Diverse: While our name reflects Hellenic heritage our heart embraces all cultures. We celebrate the rich tapestry of traditions that our residents bring.
  • Tailored Community Aged Care: Every individual’s needs are unique. Our team crafts personalised care plans ensuring each resident feels at home and well cared for.
  • Community Building: Our facilities and programmes are designed to foster deep community ties encouraging social interactions and mutual support.
  • Experienced and Compassionate Team: Our staff are not just trained in community aged care but are also passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of our residents.

Our Comprehensive Community Aged Care Services

  • In-Home Care: Offering support with daily tasks medication management and companionship, ensuring residents maintain their independence in familiar surroundings.
  • Community Day Care Centres: Vibrant hubs where seniors can engage in a range of activities from arts and crafts to fitness sessions all while forging new friendships.
  • Respite Care: Providing temporary relief for families and caregivers, ensuring they can recharge with the confidence that their loved ones are in safe hands.
  • Cultural Celebrations: Regular events that celebrate the diverse cultures of our residents, fostering understanding and unity.

Visiting hours

Please respect all residents’ privacy and dignity and kindly

consider asking visitors to visit between 8am -7pm.

This gives residents the time to get ready for the day and

prepare for a good night sleep


We invite you to experience the warmth and care of Hellenic Aged Care. Our dedicated team is here to provide exceptional care, support, and comfort, ensuring that every resident feels valued and cherished.

Contact us today to learn more or arrange a visit to our welcoming community.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Hellenic Aged Care exclusively for individuals of Hellenic descent?
    • No while our name reflects Hellenic heritage we proudly serve and welcome individuals from all cultural backgrounds.

  • What activities are available at the Community Day Care Centres?
      • Our centres offer a range of activities from arts and crafts, fitness sessions, cultural celebrations, to interactive workshops ensuring there’s something for everyone.
  • How do you ensure the safety and well-being of the residents?
    • Safety is our top priority. We have round the clock security regular health check ups and a dedicated team trained to handle emergencies.
  • Can families be involved in the care process?
      • Absolutely! We encourage families to be an active part of the care journey from participating in activities to being involved in care plan discussions.
  • Do you offer short term stays or trial periods?
    • Yes we offer respite care for short term stays and potential residents can also opt for a trial period to experience our community aged care firsthand.

Key Takeaways

Inclusivity at its Best: Hellenic Aged Care is a haven for all cultures, celebrating the diversity and richness each individual brings.

Personalised Community Aged Care: We understand that one size doesn’t fit all. Our care plans are tailored to meet the unique needs of every resident.

Community Building: More than just care, we’re about creating a vibrant community where residents can forge meaningful connections and enjoy a plethora of activities.

Experienced Team: Our staff are trained in the nuances of community aged care, ensuring that every resident receives the best possible care in a nurturing environment.

Old woman laughing together - Hellenic aged care in Perth.

Contact Us

Book a Tour Today!

Our friendly staff would be glad to take you through the facility. We are proud of our establishment and know that you will find what you're looking for because we truly care for each person that stays with us. 

Call  08 9303 3877 to schedule


2B Hellenic Dr, Dianella

WA 6059

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